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American Cinema Editors (ACE) Tech Fest

I’m super stoked to write about this because I had such a great time at the first annual American Cinema Editors (ACE) Tech Fest. Really. What a morning.

I was already stoked on learning that ACE Tech Fest is a condensed version of NAB and was geared for Editors. For those of you that don’t know, NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) is a convention in Las Vegas that shows off all of the new tech and gadgets for the upcoming year. It is an incredibly large event that brings filmmakers from all over the world to check out the new gear, features, and software.

Anyway, learning that ACE Tech Fest was this exact convention but for Editors, was something I was extremely looking forward to. Here are some of my experiences, thoughts, and takeaways:

Nerd-ed out.

I love learning about new features on editing softwares or cameras that change the game. For instance, at ACE TechFest, Adobe released that they were coming out with an automated sound ducking feature for Premiere Pro - where it basically uses automation to duck the music to a bed level range during a narration or interview sequence. Basically, it will add keyframes to the parts of your timeline where there’s dialogue/music and duck the music levels so that you can hear the dialogue more clearly. It’s obviously not going to be perfect but it sets you up with a really great start and saves you so much time. I thought that was awesome.

Avid is also coming out with a whole new flashy interface that I think most Editors will love. I for sure dug it and can’t wait to try it out. The timeline is going to be a bit more dynamic but will also have the same tools that we’re all used to (for those who are legacy users). I think it’s going to attract a lot of hobby editors that want to feel more comfortable with Avid, especially since Avid has been the standard for professional Hollywood Editing.


Just like any family reunion, it’s always the best feeling to catch up with someone in your little Editing community. I honestly love catching up and hearing how everyone is doing, what they’re working on, if they’re looking for a gig, or if they took a vacation somewhere, etc. It strengthens the community you’re a part of - and if I have any opportunity to help that person get a job, you bet that I’ll be keeping my eyes/ears open.

But I think it’s important to note that when you do build these relationships, try to keep in touch as much as possible. Friend that person on social media and once in a while, comment/like a post if it relates to you. If they just came back from a Euro-trip, remember that and bring it up the next time you see them. It builds rapport and strengthens your relationship.

It doesn’t have to always be about Editing. Branch out. We’re people with so many different interests. Did you know that I love Ice Hockey? I grew up playing it and still do to this day play every Thursday. You never know if someone might have similar interests with you other than Editing.

Food. 10/10.

I honestly would be remiss not to mention how great the food was. It makes every event better haha. It was amazing. I had the Food Truck’s special Mushroom Burger with crispy fries. Delicious AF. 10/10.

Health Conscious.

Another reason why I loved TechFest was because in the middle of all the Editing booths were health conscious experts teaching you to stay active. Two of the notable ones were Editor Zack Arnold, ACE’s Optimize Yourself (IG @zackarnoldace) and Meredith Murdock’s Usui Reiki Practice (IG @reikiwithmeredith).

Zack showed us products to help with our posture during long work days. He really promoted healthy habits when editing, and explained to us how we’re so unaware of how horrible our posture can be sometimes. Then, we eventually get used to this habit and potentially injure our back, neck, wrists, etc. He was so adamant in fixing this problem and I have to say, it really was awesome to see someone help all of us this way. Check his stuff out:

Meredith’s Reiki practice took away a lot of stress and centered you to feel more at ease. She basically used the flow of energy to calm your body. Similar to what a hug does, the passing of energy was used to destress and keep you more balanced/grounded. It was awesome. I never experienced anything like that.


I sometimes take it for granted that I live in Los Angeles and have the opportunity to go to things like this. However, I urge you, if you don’t live in LA or even in the United States, to start your own “Editing Event”. Start small and find 1-2 people to just grab drinks with who enjoy editing and make it a regular thing. After that, start inviting more people and tell them to spread the word.

One of my friends started an editing meetup event at a park and told everyone to bring their dogs. She branded it as an Editing & Dog Meetup event. I thought it was so smart and unique. After doing this for a couple of times, her event eventually brought over 30+ people to it. Crazy.

So I say, start your own ACE TechFest. You’ll be surprised how many likeminded people in your area will be interested in it.

Thanks for stopping by. Also, in case you missed my ACE Tech Fest Vlog, here’s the link if you want to see the highlights of that day from my POV. See you on the next Blog.
